Saturday, March 13, 2010

Milo climbing!

Yesterday Milo had a playdate at his friend Finley's house. He wanted to climb her bunk bed, in order to go down the slide attached to her bed (good motivation!) so I helped him the first few times, but after that he really got the hang of climbing the small ladder. Considering he hadn't really done this before, it was a big deal! Then later at OT, he did loads of hang down circles on a hanging swing, and then dropping onto the cushions on the floor.
Today at the park I encouraged him to climb up a slanted climber, with wooden blocks to put your feet and a rope to hold onto. He needed help once from me, and once he did it the first time, he went down the slide and went back and did it again and again and again!
It is exciting stuff for this kid, and means his motor planning is really improving!


Barbara said...

Great to read of Milo's continued motor skills Sarah.

AmandaBroadfoot said...

Congrats on a great milestone! You have a beautiful boy :-)

I know how exciting it is to see them take one step forward, expand their world, open up their arms and embrace a little more of life. Keep up the great work ...

All the best,

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