Sunday, October 25, 2009

Missy's 40th

With Grandma
A rare family shot
Milo chowing on the most carrots he has ever eaten in one go
Milo and Missy (they know how to have a good time!)
Some helpers to blow out all those candles
Hanging with his beloved Betty
Milo's Great Grandpa Harry and Great Grandma Kitty
John and James
Milo posing with his massive leaf

Friday, October 23, 2009

What a pretty girl!

During the end of Milo's OT session today.. he spotted lots of shiny colourful necklaces in a couple of containers and pulls them out. We enjoyed all putting some on.. and Molly enjoyed putting a head scarf on him along with a golden glove. What a picture!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Milo's actual first bike!

So we had to take the other bike back and get a bigger one as Milo is so tall. And just look at this kid... he is peddling and steering! He only got on a trike for the first time 6 weeks ago. Look how far he has come?!!