Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Milo playing with coins

Here is Milo playing with coins. This is actually a good example of the progress he has made using the developmental intervention DIR/Floortime. 3-6 months ago he would rarely look up when we were talking to him while playing in this manner.. but here you see him regulated with shared attention (developmental level 1) engaged (level 2) responding, in a back and forth flow of conversation ( level 3) he then thinks of what he can buy with the coins, in this case, food (pretend play -level 5)


tiffanysummers said...

i see we're still working on the yes/no things but very cute interaction. give milo a hug for me!

Wright Family said...

I just watched this again after your comment, and yes you are right, in this clip he doesn't say yes/no. However he is doing better with this now. (I think!) Still finding the speech has slowed down from the progress with you last summer, however he is using I/you a little more and sometimes getting it right!