Monday, August 23, 2010

Day out at Mount Rainier (Sunrise)

A week after our trip to Mount Baker, we took off again to Mount Rainier (Sunrise). The views from Sunrise were spectacular, and we took off on a hike that turned out to be about 3 or 4 miles. Milo didn't do as well as last week at Baker and due to his constant whining James had to carry him most of the way. It was certainly a beautiful day for hiking and being back at Rainier, but we may have had a bit more relaxation with out bringing Milo.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Heather Meadows - Mount Baker National Forest

Mount Baker in all its majesty
Milo turned out to be a great hiker!

The gorgeous Mount Shuksan

Today, James, Milo and I drove to Heather Meadows in Mount Baker National Forest. It was hot day (92 degrees) and it took us 5 hours to get there (a couple of stops, plus our planned trip to Mt Baker Lake was closed so we had to drive about an hour and a half out of our way) when it should have only taken 3. It was well worth it when we got the around 5,000 ft. We all went hiking to get better views of the gorgeous Mount Shuksan and Baker. There was snow everywhere and this was Milo's first hike in a mountain vista. He did really well, and loved the snow too. We got back pretty sweaty, and James put snow down me and Milo's backs! A long, but fantastic day in God's wonderful creation.

Great dinner that James made

After our lunch a couple days after our 6th wedding anniversary

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Autism day 2010

Shaky Shaky Shaky
Feeding pigs with Nicky & Drew

So on me and James' 6th wedding anniversary today, Milo and I drove to Carnation for our first time at Autism Day (James had to work sadly). We met Carrie, Drew and family there, so it was so fun to finally meet and hang out with them. Milo had a blast at the music works stall. He just loved shaking and organising the wooden eggs! It was hard to tear him away from the rubber ducks with numbers on their bottoms, and also the bubbles were a favourite too as well as feeding the pigs. We went twice on the hayride while Milo snacked on popcorn. The rain came down for half the time there, but it was great visiting all the various stalls, and Milo won a few things and got a lot of free fun stuff. A great event!

Where's Milo?
Hayride posing
More eating
Lovin' that puppy